One more thing about Pat Robertson. I failed to say anything about "Christy," the black woman sitting next to Pat during the video as he spews his diabolical racist drivel. I've read a couple of people dissing Christy. I get it. She's sitting next to a dude spitting vitriol against her brethren, just nodding her head to the point where we might question her level of comprehension--does she actually believe what Robertson is saying? Does she agree that Haitians made a deal with the Devil? Gifting their souls in exchange for their freedom?
Then again, I wonder if Christy is just dumbfounded. Admittedly, I don't know anything about the woman. To add, her affiliation with Pat Robertson probably indicates that she deserves our wrath. Yet I've also been silenced by racist words, been so stuck thinking "Wait a minute. Is this person actually saying these things to me?" that I couldn't muster any noise, let alone a serious and coherent response. I don't know about other folks, but whatever wit I might have has escaped me on those few occasions when someone says something incredibly racist to me. Esprit d'escalier f'real. By the time the exchange is over I'm still at, "Wow, I can't believe (s)he just said that." It is/would be so much easier to respond when/if they('d just) call you nigger--for me, least.
4 days ago
i have definitely been in situations of sheer dumbfounded silence...
It's true. I don't think people who think and talk alot about issues around race like to admit when we are truly hit by some ill ish some self-entitled white (usually male) jackass and we're sitting there like "wha?"
It is easier when its just an outright "nigger".
Also, it's harder when its someone that you respect and then they say some ill ish it's even more confusing. I imagine that part of her silence was cause A) this is her boss and B) she respects his religious leadership.
I actually felt sorry for her. Especially when dude said, "it's a fact."
Fuck Christy.
Really. I've been there, in that dumbfounded space, but I have to believe that Christy, working up in The 700 Club, long ago made her own pact with the Devil. Something along the lines of "Satan, let me sit up in here and draw this check and be this man's pet, and I promise you I will NEVER raise a word to these people." How can she be shocked by anything Pat Robertson says? It wasn't shocking. It was hateful. And it wasn't original. Though I originally gave him credit for pulling it out of his ass, this "true story" apparently has long had currency among the religious right.
i dunno how sorry i felt for her, but i saw parts of myself in the exchange. i'm sure she made her bed a long time ago (hence the totally understandable "fuck, christy."). that said, i'm more likely to be pissed at her for sitting next to/being employed by robertson than i am at her for not saying anything. if some random white person said that to me, i don't think i would've nodded my head, but i also don't think i would've said much.
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