Not that I pay that much attention to hip-hop anymore, but rapper, [The] Game (when did he drop the article?) spoke out recently about gays and hip-hop, and I noticed. And by "notice" I mean someone mentioned it to me and I bothered to Google it. Call it preparation for LGBTQ History Month.
In case you were wondering or concerned, "Game don't have a problem with gay people." Let's all take a moment and release that collective sigh of relief. I wish I could follow that quote with "
The Game don't have a problem with not making albums anymore," but that would be a lie--or a wish. Take your pick. But I digress. So, yeah,
The Game don't have a problem with gay people, but he does have a problem with believing myths and spreading them as if they are factually correct.
The Game may not have a problem with the gays--and by gays
The Game seems to speak exclusively about gay men--but he does have a problem with closeted men sleeping with straight women and consequently spreading AIDS to straight men who, I guess, would otherwise not have gotten caught up. This theory, as many of us know, has gained the appellation, "The Down Low Myth," and
several blogs have responded to
The Game's comments by
refuting his argument. I support those efforts. And I hope those fans of
The Game (because, seriously, who else was paying attention) who believed his words
read those responses and gained some clarity. There was, however, something that the pundits missed, and I'd like to address it here.